ERROR IN COMPILING; This error code just means the code you have written had errors and could not compile to output ERROR CC NOT FOUND:POWER OFF YOUR SYSTEM THEN POWER BACK ON TO GET CC BACK ITS A REQUIRED FILE; This error means you have deleted a system important file SOME OR ALL commands may not work without it because it checks this file for custom commands and if it gets an error it can't even check for the rest of commands ERROR THIS FILE DOES NOT EXIST; This means the file does not exist on your system so your trying to delete or run etc... a non existent file ERROR NO PERMISSION: CANT DELETE; This means the permission was denied for deleting this file AN UNKNOWN ERROR OCCURED; This mean that this error has not been found yet so and the error you have been given is unknown by the developer ERROR ABORTING: GAME FILES CORRUPTED; This just means that the files you are trying to run or game files are not working or corrupted ERROR WITH CUSTOM COMMANDS: FIX DELETE cc; Sometimes the error itself gives you a fix because like this one so the error will no longer occur it was fixed by just being put into a try, exept so if there is a error with this file no other thing on the system will be interupted or not work